Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do i fuse C++ & visual basic?

i wanna fuse a C++ to a visual basic interface.

i made a C++ program i just want it to start once you press a button on a windows interface thing.

How do i fuse C++ %26amp; visual basic?
If you are using visual studio for c++, you could load the apporopriate windowing libraries and call those directly from your c++ code. That would definitely be the cleanest option.

Otherwise, in VB, something like this should work:

set oShell=createobject( "WScript.Shell" )

oShell.Run "c:\myprogram.exe"
Reply:amanda what do i do there ?

i modifyied evrything how i wanted it to be i need to run the C++ program when i press the Visual basic button.

private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

} Report It

Reply:To do that use Microsoft Visual Studio. It cost a lot but i can't find any alternatives.


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