Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is the simplest way to access serial I/O in Visual C++?

I am a former assembly programmer. I use VC++ 6 a lot, but I have used .NET 2005, and C# as well. Not everyone has migrated, so VC++ 6 is my best choice.

Also I have written USB HID I/O code in VC++ 6, but my employer is migrating to ASYNC over USB. Any suggestions on that? I am writing code to communicate with bankcard terminals.

What is the simplest way to access serial I/O in Visual C++?
This will help you to use serial ports 1-4. I am not sure how well it will work with 5 and up.

Async over USB?? I have never seen that done.
Reply:' Open the serial port

MSComm1.CommPort = 2 ' Set the port number

MSComm1.Settings = "56000,N,8,1" ' Set UART parameters

MSComm1.PortOpen = True ' Required, might lock port

MsComm1.Output = "Text string" ' Send data

Buffer$ = Buffer$ %26amp; MSComm1.Input ' Read data

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