Saturday, May 22, 2010

Visual C#...I'm trying to create a program on C# that asks you to enter 5 words(one at time) and print out in

reverse order like this: Please enter 1st word:


etc. until it goes - sentence is: another one bites the dust.

I've done it but the sentence comes up with no spaces?

string wordone ;

string wordtwo ;

string wordthree ;

string wordfour ;

string wordfive ;

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your 1st word: ");

wordone = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your 2nd word: ");

wordtwo = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your 3rd word: ");

wordthree = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Please enter your 4th word: ");

and so on and then last bit is:

Console.WriteLine( wordfive + wordfour + wordthree + wordtwo + wordone );


Visual C#...I'm trying to create a program on C# that asks you to enter 5 words(one at time) and print out in
replace each + with + " " +
Reply:I'd probably not write the program the way you did, but otherwise just change your last line:

Console.WriteLine(wordfive + " " + wordfour + " " ...etc.

or use

concat(wordfive, " ", wordfour, " " .... etc)

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